7 天無理由退換貨:在本網站購買的 TANK007 品牌商品,自購買日起(以到貨登記為準)7 日內出現功能故障,您可(kě)以選(xuǎn)擇退貨(huò)、換貨或修(xiū)理。
15 天包換:在本(běn)公(gōng)司購買的 TANK007 品牌商品,自購買後(以到貨登記為準)15 日內出(chū)現性能故障,您可以選擇換貨或維修。
2 年(nián)免費保修:在本公司購買的 TANK007 品牌商品,自購買之日(rì)起(以到貨登記(jì)為準)2 年之內出(chū)現非人為損(sǔn)壞的(de)質量(liàng)問(wèn)題,本公司免費保修。
終生維護:保(bǎo)修期滿後,本公司對 TANK007 品牌用戶依然提供(gòng)終生維護服務,隻收取維修材料(liào)工本費。
2、 檢測確認是產(chǎn)品本身質量問題,非人為損壞(huài)的,及時提交維修部門進行維(wéi)修
3、、 如果檢測結果是無故障或是人為因素造成(chéng)的故障,我公司會及時聯係您,並告知維修工本費,谘詢您(nín)的
※【TANK007 品牌(pái)分銷商/代理商 售後服務政策】
1) 3 個月內(nèi)換貨服務:對於進貨後如果某款型號滯(zhì)銷,在該款未(wèi)停產的情況下,產品包裝完好不影響二次銷售,可選擇更換其他暢銷型號。換貨運費由分銷商自行承擔。
2) 2 年免費保(bǎo)修期:TANK007 手電(diàn)筒自售出之日起 2 年內,用戶在正常使用情況下(xià),出現產品質量(liàng)問題,享受免費(fèi)維(wéi)修服務;
3) 終身維護:在超過 2 年免費保修時間外, TANK007 公司將提供有償保修,費用以實(shí)際更換材料費用為(wéi)準,不另收取人(rén)工費用;
4) 如果分銷商有自行維修的能力,按照分銷商的要求甲方可以免費提供訂購數量 2%以(yǐ)內的相應配件(不(bú)包括 LED燈、外殼主件、光杯以及線(xiàn)路板),供日常維修(xiū)。
1) 售後運費由雙方各自承擔寄(jì)出的費用
[Distributor/Agent After-Sales Service Policy]
1) Exchange service within 3 months: If a certain model is unsalable after purchase, as long as the product packaging is
intact and does not affect secondary sales, you can choose to replace it with another best-selling model as long as the product is not discontinued. The shipping costs for exchanges will be borne by the distributor.
2) 2-year free warranty period: Within 2 years from the date of sale of TANK007 flashlight, users will enjoy free maintenance
services if product quality problems occur under normal use; Party B can choose quarterly or annual based on the number of products that needs to be repaired, gather them
together and send them back to the factory for repair. Distributors in mainland China can choose to return to the factory for repair in time.
3) Lifetime maintenance: If the 2-year free warranty period has exceeded, TANK007 will provide a paid warranty, and thecost will be based on the actual cost of material replacement,
and no additional labor costs will be charged; The shipping costs will be borne by the distributor.
4) If the distributor has the ability to repair itself, Party A can provide corresponding accessories within 2% of the order quantity free of charge
(excluding LED lights, main shell parts, light cups and circuit boards) according to the distributor'srequirements for Party B's daily maintenance. .
1) The shipping costs incurred after the sale shall be borne by both parties.
※【貼牌和定製服務 售後政策】 貼牌及定(dìng)製產品售(shòu)後服務依據合同商定的售後服務條(tiáo)款,收到貨(huò)物後(hòu) 15 天內(nèi)驗收
完(wán)成,15 天內質量(liàng)問題可免費維修,不能維修(xiū)再換新(xīn);
※TANK007 防偽查詢(xún) 掃防偽標貼上的二維碼
登錄(lù)中文官網 www.m2jj.com,在"服務支持"->"防偽查詢"處查(chá)詢